Student Loans Without Paying

There is no easy way to escape the responsibility of paying off student loans. On the other hand, if you take out federal student loans, some programs will forgive you forgiveness once you have made payments and fulfilled any other requirements. The following are some of the student loan forgiveness programs that are the easiest to access:

How To Get Rid Of Private Student Debt

The discharge provided by bankruptcy is one of the few options for eliminating private student debt. This is a laborious and expensive procedure to go through. You will need to file for bankruptcy under either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, and then you will need to launch a separate lawsuit known as an adversary process.

Throughout the process of filing for bankruptcy, it is quite probable that you will need the services of an attorney, which may cost you thousands of dollars. If you are having trouble making payments, your best choice is to speak with the holder of your private loan about the possibility of renegotiating or pausing your payments for a limited period.

Other Opportunities Exist For Cancellation Of Loans

There are two further scenarios in which your loans might be canceled without you having to make any payments:

If you are in a difficult position regarding your student loans, such as defaulting on them, you may want to investigate the possibility of settling your debt for a loan that is less than what you owe. Even if you are successful, this won't wipe off all of your debt, but it may make managing it easier.

What Consequences Will You Face if You Fail to Repay Your Student Loans?

When you cannot make payments on your student loans, you will ultimately default on them. This will have a negative impact, among other things, on your credit. The following will occur if you do not make payments on your student loans:

Why You Want To Avoid Student Loan Default

When you default, it indicates that you violated your contract, and collection activities might commence. If you default on your federal student loans, you could face various serious repercussions, such as having your wages garnished, having your tax refunds withheld, having your Social Security payments garnished, incurring additional late fees, continually accruing unpaid interest, and incurring collection costs.

Before a private lender may garnish your earnings, it must file a lawsuit against you and get a court decision in its favor. Private lenders can't garnish tax returns and checks received from Social Security. A negative mark on your credit history for seven years from the date it was first recorded might be considered further collateral damage caused by defaulting on a loan.